Monday, November 25, 2013

Common Core Standards - Criticism

Ravitch: Why so many parents hate Common Core

This is an interesting report on how the Common Core standards were never field tested; in New York's suburban districts only 31% of state's students in grades 3-8 passed or exceeded the standards and the results were already known before the tests were taken; the commissioner boasted that 45 states adopted the standards, but he neglected to mention that states were required to adopt "college and career-ready standards" to be eligible for the funds known as "Race to the Top."

Our readers might be interested in reading this article from CNN and adding their thoughts here.


  1. I believe part of the problem is that New York is using Core Knowledge as their reading program. Having first hand knowledge of a teacher in NY I know that is a big part of the problem. She hopes they will go to another program for next year. Parents as well as teachers aren't happy with the program.

  2. Where are all the Apple comments now? Hmmmmmmmm..........interesting.

  3. They are busy taking the Wikipedia course on core knowledge so they have something that sounds intelligent to add to this topic. Told you it was about power and not about the education of the students!

  4. The response here is deafening. I guess we have to go back to topics involving bashing people to get comments. What does that say about us?

  5. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm confused by the "common core". Kids are different-- there are things you need to learn if you live in Alaska that are different than what you need to learn in Florida. How can any bunch of "experts" think that every kid everywhere should be taught the same?
