Saturday, December 28, 2013

Haven't You Ever Wanted to.......

Haven't you ever wanted to sound off about something? Haven't you ever wanted to shout "THANK YOU" so that everyone could hear? Haven't you ever wanted to................?

Here's your opportunity. You can be anonymous here. Will you take your opportunity?

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Where is the decision on the K-5 Language Arts program? Students will be taking the tests without the books to support the curriculum? What is the hold-up? Politics? Manny Rivera, where is your decision? What is going on with the Board of Education? I thought a decision on a program for K-5 LA was a priority????

Monday, December 16, 2013

Positive thoughts - Negative thoughts

You decide. Manny Rivera has been in Norwalk almost six months. What are your thoughts? Please be specific when discussing achievements or lack of achievements. Are you feeling positive, negative or other? Please remember to be specific. This is not about his resume, it is about what you see or hear he is doing in Norwalk.

Thank you for your input.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

New Budget and Unanswered Questions

The new three year budget plan is out for public perusal.

The superintendent  offered the $168.1 million first draft operating budget at Tuesday’s BOE Finance Committee meeting. Another, second draft, will be presented to the board at next week’s meeting.

His budget includes making the recommendations of the Capitol Region Education Council (CREC) report for Norwalk’s Special Education program a priority. He also stressed a redesign of school libraries, the transition to Common Core State Standards, keeping classroom sizes small for younger students and strengthening central services (central office?).

This is a three year budget proposal through 2016-2017. Its request is  that there will be a $176 million budget request in 2015/2016 and a $182.1 million budget request in 2016-2017.

Also included in this topic are leftover questions about the Parent Portal, it's use, it's cost-effectiveness and it's cost to the taxpayers. Please feel free to comment on this here.

There is another question, as yet unanswered, about the K-5 Language Arts choice of curriculum programs. Where is the decision we were promised?

If other topics or questions have been omitted or are on your mind, please don't hesitate to add them.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


What would you like to discuss on Norwalk Speaks. Choose the topics....

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Let's Learn About Apples!

Let's discuss Apples, since one of them has decided to flood this blog with nonsense. (See the last topic's post on Apples) Seems we need to give someone "anonymous" something to do. Whoever it is, must not have a life, since this isn't the first time this blog has been flooded with Apple Sauce. Go for it, anonymous Apple. Prove you are just a mosquito in a whistleblower's blog.

Saturday, November 30, 2013


 Tell us what is on your mind, Norwalk! You have the topics. Speak to us......

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy family, friends and good times! Happy Thanksgiving to our Norwalk Speaks friends!  I am grateful for the many teachers, administrators, employees and parents who support the Norwalk Public Schools. Thank you for all you do!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Two Posts at a Time: Can we keep them both going?

I am posting this post right on top of the last post on purpose. The last post talks about the Common Core, which I hope will stimulate some interesting comments. This post is directed mostly at the parents, so here goes........

There has been a lot of teacher and staff bashing in the last year. It doesn't seem fair, since teachers are trying so hard to care for our children. Test scores have steadily moved upwards and our schools have been kept safe. Are there teachers who are "less than." Sure there are. There are always employees in every workplace who are not up to par. It is up to the employer to support them and demand more, or to move them out.

The teachers are supporting our new superintendent. Isn't it time for us to support all staff? What are you going to do to say"thank you" and show that teachers are respected? Be specific so that others can get ideas. Whatever you do doesn't have to cost money. It's the idea. Let's see if we can get teachers all over Norwalk noticing that parents are supporting them. What will you do?

Common Core Standards - Criticism

Ravitch: Why so many parents hate Common Core

This is an interesting report on how the Common Core standards were never field tested; in New York's suburban districts only 31% of state's students in grades 3-8 passed or exceeded the standards and the results were already known before the tests were taken; the commissioner boasted that 45 states adopted the standards, but he neglected to mention that states were required to adopt "college and career-ready standards" to be eligible for the funds known as "Race to the Top."

Our readers might be interested in reading this article from CNN and adding their thoughts here.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Anonymous Speaks

Maybe we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Here are a few truths.

Lisa Thompson is a liar. After the election, she wrote one of her publish-everywhere letters to the editor to claim that Artie Kassimis was "a Republican who, by all accounts, seems more aligned with far left BOE Dems than members of his own party". Look at his votes for BOE leadership over the years and you'd know that this is a lie.

The "RedApples" are tiresome with their constant spin. Last year, the Apple spin (which Mike Barbis repeated) was that over half of Norwalk's students were reading below grade below- the CMT results show how FALSE that claim was. The members of the RedApples have never told the public a single bit of reform that "reform minded Susan Marks" ever proposed. Collarossi called them out every time they spewed their lies about him. But guess what, they never answered with any proof. 

The spin of Lyons, Chiaramonte, Barbis and Keyes has made us dizzy. We know that Rivera wasn't their fist choice. We know Chiaramonte should have resigned when he missed months of meetings this summer. We know Lyons should have passed the baton to Kassimis to rebuild trust on the BOE.

Lisa Thompson and her "group" cheated in the election. It didn't make a difference. But they still cheated. Connecticut law says that candidates (like Harris, Keyes, Haynie and Rosato) can't work with more than one campaign committee. The law says you can't take campaign help from anonymous sources (like free advertising). But if you saw the big posters at the polls, you'd see that they were working with some anonymous group that Lisa Thompson takes credit for.

The "civility" police are hypocrites. Supporting the superintendent is their mantra-- but "they" excused the constant attacks on Dadonna when he was interim. Anybody wondering where the outrage is over Mike Barbis' mean tweets?

We know Lisa Thompson is congenitally dishonest. We know her "grass roots reform movement" has few followers. We know that they are willing to lie, insult, distort history, twist facts and bury us with tweets, blog posts, etc. We don't trust them. So it's only natural that we don't trust the politicians "they" support.


Friday, November 22, 2013


What did the election accomplish? We have a Board of Education with members who have been called liars, spinners, worse than children, back room deal makers, puppets of the Apple Alliance.....and other assorted names. Have we elected folks who, as it has been said, are more polarized than ever? We have learned that the 5-4 split is at war. What will happen to our students? What will happen to the curriculum? What will this Board do when severe cuts are to be made? Where is Manny Rivera in all this? If I were in his shoes, I would be looking for another job. We have been told he wasn't even the first choice of the Apples. "History" has been mentioned in previous posts. Never in the history of Norwalk has there been a Board of Education as angry and hostile as this one.

Monday, November 18, 2013

"Anonymous" I am quoting you....You are providing this topic.

I'm shocked at what Mike Barbis puts on twitter- but I'm not shocked that he insults people from behind his little protected account.
Here are the highlights of the guy Sherelle Harris and Heidi Keyes are supporting for BoE Chairman- shameful politics if you ask me.
[Insult to a letter writer in the 11/4/2012 Hour] I don't know what planet you are on but you don't know what you are talking about.

[Insult to Midaglia Rivas: 8/20/2013] I've been on the Board 2 years. I don't understand how and why she votes the way she does. No rational platform

[Insult to teachers] Question: on ELA curriculum, who knows more? National experts, NYC/NYS boards of ed or Norwalk teachers committee? Just asking

[Insult to ELA Director in response comment about her presenting research about ELA proposals] Wait, handing out 2 pages attacking the 5th ranked option is "honest"?

[Insulting the privacy of Executive Session by disclosing details: 7/9/2013] I'm confused.The Board is interviewing the principal finalists for NHMS but 2 of the board members just took off. Where is their commitment?

[Insulting Rosa Murray and Midaglia Rivas responding to request that he stop the drama: 7/9/2013 ] Nope, not doable. The hypocrisy needs to be exposed

[Insulting his critics: 6/20/2013] More anonymous attacks on me--again that "I'm political". Who are these wimps?

[Insulting Colarossi and Kassimis: 5/22/2013] Its an election season, right? BOE members up for re-election are suddenly asking questions about curriculum, worried about legal expenses?

[Insulting anyone who doesn't agree with him: 2/9/2013] And some great political grandstanding tonight.The local election is 9 mos away but we heard from some board members who are usually silent

[Insulting Midaglia Rivas:2/9/2013] Rivas ranting and raving. What is she accomplishing here? What is the point? We have an expert here to help us improve and Rivas attacking

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Norwalk Speaks.....

Norwalk Speaks allows the readers to choose topics about the school system.  We all have a turn, even me. So now it is your turn. Choose your topic, ask a question, tell us your story.....Norwalk Listens!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

And So The School System Turns........

Elections are over and we will have a new mayor and a different make-up on the Board of Education. The one thing we can be sure of is the superintendent. So far, so good. He is well liked by all. He gets along well with the Unions, the administrators and the teachers. Daddona and central office staff have positive things to say about him. Parents like him! It's a miracle......

So what's new and different with our readers? Outstanding questions on people's minds seem to be Thomson wants Barbis for the new Board Chair? Is that so she can control him? Will the Apples vote the Apple issues or their party's issues? Should be an interesting year!

Feel free to choose any topic you wish to discuss. Ask any questions that are on your minds. In other words, your turn............

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013


We’ve GOT to make noises in greater amounts!
So, open your mouth, lad!
For every voice counts!......Dr. Seuss 

We've GOT to make noises in greater amounts!
So get yourself moving
For every VOTE counts!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

In My Opinion


In My Opinion:

If you want peace and harmony to return to the Board of Education; if you want respect back in Norwalk; if you want this superintendent to succeed because he is all about respect.......


In my opinion, the Board of Education has taken a path toward hatred and vilification, toward vendettas and a need for power. 

We, in Norwalk, must work together.  It is my belief that the only way we can deliver harmony and respect to this superintendent is to elect Collarossi, Roman, Kassimis and Mosby to the Board of Education. 


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bashing and scare tactics? What about working together?

'The essentials of good education are the same everywhere: a rigorous curriculum, effective instruction, adequate resources, willing students, and a social and cultural climate in which education is encouraged and respected. Teacher unions today, as in the past, must work to make these essentials available in every district for every school and every student. They cannot do it alone. They must work with administrators and elected officials to advance these goals. The unions will continue to be important, vital, and needed so long as they speak on behalf of the rights and dignity of teachers and the essentials of good education.' -a quote from the Asst Secretary of Education under President Bush

It is clear from the respected, educated people who help to form policy and lead our nation that  unions, administrators and elected officials must work together. There must be a 'social and cultural climate in which education is encouraged and respected.' 

What candidates are willing to promote this climate in Norwalk?  We can't expect to bash teachers and unions and expect cooperation. Scare tactics? What is that about?

Your thoughts on how we learn to work together?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Turning to You Part III

So that you don't have to keep scrolling down to find the last comment, please continue your comments here.....

If you haven't been following the topics, please go back to catch up.

We have mainly been discussing Board candidates for this election. All topics are welcome, however.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Continuing "Turning to You"

The last topic was so popular that we were running out of room. Please continue here......

I believe the last comment added was about how the Board needs five members to pass something.
That's why this election is so important. The five members could go either way......

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Turning to you...

Your turn to choose the topics again. So what's amusing, confusing or simply worth chatting about? Go for it.......

Monday, October 7, 2013

Tea Party Anyone?

Think about it, the country is on Day 7 of a shutdown. Why? Because the Tea Party is demanding their way or no way. Why do Republican members of the Tea Party have so much clout? Why are other Republican politicians held hostage by them? The Tea Party members threaten members of Congress that they will run their own kind (Tea Party loyalists) against even well established politicians and will win. How do they know they will win? Easy! Most people don't vote anymore. The Tea Party has money and can get out the necessary vote for their candidates.
Now look at Norwalk and our very own "Tea Party" (or similar to)members. They are banding together to help each other to get elected. Will they win? You bet, if people don't vote. Voting nationally and locally has never been more important!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Answer one, ask one

Open Topic Post.......

I'll start off with one, you take over.

My question: Whatever happened to Daddona's three year budget plan? Why isn't the Board of Education talking about it?

Answer me one and ask your own after......

Thursday, September 26, 2013

To Debate or Not to Debate?

Who wants to see a debate for the Board candidates? If  no, why? If yes, how do we get one?

Anyone ready to provide the forum for the debate? Who can sponsor it?

Time is running short. What do you think?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

All is Well in Norwalk?

It's election time! All is well in Norwalk. The Board of Education members are getting along well. Sue Haynie hasn't been changing the Board minutes and has been as quiet as a mouse nibbling cheese. We have a perfect city and a great school system because of our suddenly fabulous Board who has accomplished so much during their tenure. What do you think? Is it just election time or is the change real? Much of what appears in newspapers and what we hear seems to think all is well in Norwalk. What do you think? Does change come this quickly?

Monday, September 9, 2013

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Manny appoints Ralph

Smart move or 'here we go again?'
Ralph Valenzisi has been appointed by Manny Rivera for the technology job, but not before Rivera increased the salary and changed the title of the position. We all remember Ralph. He worked in Norwalk and left (I believe) to work for Manny Rivera. 
So, is this a smart move, a repetition of what happened in Rochester (appointment of friends with added salary), and/or a ' we are hiring a past employee' - why???? kind of decision.

You tell me......

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Take over as Norwalk Reporters

Coming back to you again.....
This blog is different because you get to be the reporters. So take over......

Superintendent Summer Hires

The new superintendent has been given full permission by the Board of Education to hire for open positions ( this summer) without the Board's approval. What do you think of that decision?

Monday, August 19, 2013

Money, Money, Money

The new superintendent has a plan to reorganize central office. It's going to cost the taxpayers! I wonder how the Board feels a out his plans now?

According to an article on Nancy on Norwalk

• Changing the title of the assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction to either deputy superintendent or assistant superintendent for schools. This is Tony Daddona’s position, and the change would carry no salary increase. It would, however, more aptly describe his reconfigured position as he would assume many of the day-to-day administrative duties currently landing on the superintendent’s desk. Rivera said that, as he needs to devote the majority of his time to major changes in the system that include the Core Curriculum implementation, Daddona would be called upon to handle day-to-day tasks along with “other major responsibilities.”
• Convert the chief operating officer position to chief business officer to oversee facilities, finance and accounting (including chief finance officer Rich Rudl), budget, transportation and food services. Information and technology and human resources would become direct reports to Rivera. The CBO would begin Nov. 1. This position would pay $160,000, down from $173,222.
• The chief human resource officer would report to the superintendent instead of the COO. The position would be enhanced “in keeping with new developments (i.e., professional standards, performance appraisal systems and other duties).” Start date would be Nov. 1. Salary would be $155,000, up from $144,776.
• Convert the current IT director position to chief for technology, innovation and partnerships, a direct-report to the superintendent. This is another significantly enhanced role, Rivera said, with responsibilities including partnership building and management, strategic planning and systems development, driving technology related to innovations and other duties. Start date would be ASAP. Salary $175,000, up from $162,590.
• A communication officer: This new position would assume multiple duties ranging from increasing and improving the quality of internal and external communications, public relations and marketing to conducting research and assisting with planning, administrative follow-up and other duties. This position would begin Nov.1 and is based on an $87,938 annual salary.
• Standards, quality control and assessment: Rivera termed this a “placeholder” in the agenda document. It is a position he would like to fill in the near future or possibly next year and is envisioned, he said, as akin to a chief academic officer, a dedicated lead person to assure the curriculum is rolled out and implemented “with fidelity” and that “we begin to instill district-wide standards of excellence and greater quality control.” The position would oversee Common Core implementation, professional development, assessment and relate initiatives “that will require undivided time and attention.” Not budgeted at this time.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Board of Education Candidate Website Request


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Thoughts, concerns, ideas and frustration....

There are many thoughts, concerns, ideas and concerns among our readers. Please take over and share them. The topics are yours.....

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Taken from a letter by Carol Burris in the Washington Post:
Burris was named New York’s 2013 High School Principal of the Year by the School Administrators Association of New York and the National Association of Secondary School Principals, and in 2010,  tapped as the 2010 New York State Outstanding Educator by the School Administrators Association of New York State.
'The bottom line is that there are tremendous financial interests driving the agenda about our schools — from test makers, to publishers, to data management corporations — all making tremendous profits from the chaotic change. When the scores drop, they prosper. When the tests change, they prosper. When schools scramble to buy materials to raise scores, they prosper. There are curriculum developers earning millions to created scripted lessons to turn teachers into deliverers of modules in alignment with the Common Core (or to replace teachers with computer software carefully designed for such alignment). This is all to be enforced by their principals, who must attend “calibration events” run by “network teams.”
We who are inside schools have been sounding the alarm, although perhaps not as loudly as we should. But in the end, it will be parents, speaking with each other and with their local school boards and legislators, who will insist that sanity prevail and local control and reason be restored. It will be parents who insist that school not be a place of the continual measurement of deficits, instead standing as places that allow students to show what they know beyond a standardized test. Parents won’t “buy the bunk” and they will tire of data driven, rather than student driven, instruction. Then the “Hard Times for These Times” will end.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Not much to report during the summer months, so here are some bits and pieces from 'As the School System Turns.' (Yes, I've resorted to a Soap Opera twist)

Sue Haynie was exceptionally quiet at the Board meeting Tuesday night. It might be the first time ever that she didn't demand a correction of the minutes. Oh right! It's election time in Norwalk! Maybe the Republicans think we all have no long term memory of what usually happens at Board meetings? Did they tell her to stay under the radar? In this election will she only have 'One BOE Life to Live?'

Who continues to rudely tweet at Board meetings? A Board member?

Question of the moment: Has our new superintendent met with principals yet? After all, they are 'All His Children.' Do you know your children yet, sir?

And so goes 'The days of our Norwalk Lives.'

Yes, I know this was corny! :)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Time for You Again

This blog is for your topics too. Your turn again......

Just a reminder, unless you identify yourself, I don't even know who you are.

Don't be shy, I promise you are anonymous.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Heard on the Streets.....

Several people inform me of the news on the streets, in the schools, etc.....
The latest news deserves to be transparent to all. Susan Marks is still trying to actively involve herself in Norwalk's school system. It has been reported that she would like to have more than a mild influence here. Does she not realize that she no longer should be involved? She no longer works here.  It appears that she doesn't know when to let go. How many angry and bitter cooks do we need stirring the pot? Is it fair to Manny Rivera?

Board of Ed Candidates

Who will you choose as your Board of Ed member and why?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Hit the Ground Running

Let's look forward to a new superintendent! Manny Rivera said he would hit the ground running as soon as he started on July 18th. That's This week! Let's track his first 10 days, shall we? Please tell us if you are included in the first ten days of his leadership term. What does 'hit the ground running' look like to you? What do you expect from him during these days?

Friday, July 12, 2013

Superintendent Salary Criteria Released


The base salary for the new superintendent may be $250,000 BUT

at the end of one year there is the opportunity for a 20% raise based on loose criteria.

That totals $300,000 per year! Where did the money come from, Mike Lyons? I thought we had a tight budget.

THERE's more! The superintendent has 80 hours (two weeks) to work at his company, IN ADDITION to his vacation days.

Please correct me if I have misquoted, but I don't think I did. It's possible, though since I am in a state of shock.......

correction: The Hour states the base salary is $220,000 with a $30,000 annuity. The 20% is taken on the salary of $220,000, which is a bonus of $44,000 based on the discretion of the BoE. It would still make this superintendent the highest paid in the state.  It also puts the superintendent in a position where he must be a puppet to the five members who will vote on that.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Question and Answer Time

Ask a question and see if anyone knows the answer.

Your turn to ask something you want the answer to.

Just keep the topic related to the Norwalk Public Schools.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013


"The vote to approve Rivera was five in favor, one against and one abstention. Migdalia Rivas voted against the appointment, and Rosa Murray abstained. Chairman Michael Lyons and members Sue Haynie, Mike Barbis, Steve Colarossi and Heidi Keyes approved the hire."

The process was flawed. Thank you, Migdalia Rivas and Rosa Murray for being honest enough to state that. Unfortunately Colarossi and Keyes joined the other three in this appointment of a superintendent. As NorwalkSpeaks, I am disappointed in the process. Does my opinion matter much? No. But what about you?

Secondly, did you hear anything that excites you about this appointment? Was there anything new that every other superintendent didn't promise from the beginning? Are the promises doable in Norwalk? Is he going to be a nice guy to everyone or a hatchet man? Will he be two-faced? Will he start like a firecracker and fade away? Will he be surrounded by Apples and influenced by them? Or is he smarter than that? Do you wonder what the agenda of the 'five' who voted for him will be? Everything will reveal itself  in time........what are your predictions?

Monday, July 8, 2013

Done Deal

Looks like the new superintendent will be appointed without the site visit some have been asking for. What's your opinion? Are you looking forward to his leadership? Taking a wait and see approach? Or  are you concerned? What are you feeling? I've heard many comments around town, but I will wait for your input.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Major Flaw

Here is a statement meant to draw some interesting comments. Please join in the discussion....

There is a major flaw in a search for a Superintendent of Schools. There are some superintendents who have had an unsuccessful tenure in other districts, but who have been given the choice to resign with a letter of recommendation or to be exposed. As a result of the obvious choice, there is a legal agreement that prevents the Board of Education from revealing negative comments about that superintendent to other districts in search of candidates. Unsuccessful tenures can be defined as anything from being a terrible leader to someone who was stealing money from the system. In public school systems,  where truth should be an expectation,  what have we created?  Is this where the problem exists for systems with a revolving door for superintendents? So many public school systems encounter less than adequate superintendents after lengthy searches. Norwalk certainly has had it's share of superintendents who were not leaders. How do we go about correcting this situation?

Monday, July 1, 2013


NORWALK — The Norwalk Board of Education has selected Dr. Manuel J. Rivera as its new superintendent of schools, according to press release sent Monday afternoon by the BOE.  -THE HOUR

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sherelle Harris?

It has been reported that Sherelle Harris a Red Apple Democrat, may run for the Board of Education. If this is true, what are her credentials? We know the obvious, she works at the library and is active in Norwalk. We know Steve Colorassi is a Harvard graduate and, as far as we know,  Haynie is a high school graduate. Do we know Harris's educational background?  We have heard that Susan Wallerstein backs her. --------------
How do you feel about three Red Apples on the Board?---------- Who do you back on the list of potential candidates and why? Does education have anything to do with it?

Friday, June 21, 2013

Superintendent Qualifications From the Community

In order to be sure we are indeed listened to by the Board of Education, I am asking YOU to relist what your qualifications were for the new Superintendent. So please take the time to re-tell us what you asked for in this position. Then we can compare your list with the actual appointee. It may help you determine if the current members of this Board deserve your vote. NorwalkSpeaks is here to get to the truth.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

What is Going on in The Norwalk Board of Education?

Will the teachers, administrators and the public allow the Board of Education and the Red Apples to squelch their opinions? There really is no transparency in The Board of Education. 'They' are going to push a superintendent on the district without any input. Is this what everyone really wants? Is this a way to raise test scores? Educators don't have any voice about anything? If this is what you want, remain silent, Norwalk! Otherwise, speak up here, on Nancy on Norwalk, on The Hour, write letters to the Board.....Don't wait for someone else to do it. Every single person needs to speak up. with the dictatorship you have settled for.

Monday, June 17, 2013

A New Superintendent

When there is no transparency, rumors do fly fast and furiously. This is the case in Norwalk. What is the truth?

1. Will there be a 5-4 vote on the BoE for this candidate?
2. Is this candidate someone who already knows that he (or she) has the appointment before a vote? How long has the candidate known this?
3. Is this person a retiree or someone from out of state?
4. Will this candidate push the Core Knowledge agenda of the Red Apples?
5. Was there a secret meeting of the Haynie group with this person?

These are the rumors. What is the truth???

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


If you have been reading Nancy C.'s blog, you will see selected quotes from e-mails regarding Core Knowledge. I stated 'selected' e-mails, because I suspect only those e-mails that support the push for Core Knowledge were released. What about the rest of the e-mails, Sue? Why weren't they all released to Nancy Chapman? What about the teacher ranking system? Is that being pushed aside?

What is transpiring in this Core Knowledge fight begs the question, what  are Sue Haynie's credentials? Google her, dear readers. Get on your computers and google her to find out what  her credentials are for making educational decisions. YOU let us know if you think she is qualified.

Second on the list of top two questions is about the appointment of a new superintendent. WHY WILL THERE BE NO SITE VISIT? Rumor has it that the superintendent had already been picked before the search began. Are we getting another loser? What is Mike Lyons hiding? Trust me. Something fishy is going on. Ask questions. Don't sit back and accept the total lack of transparency. This is a Board chosen superintendent with zero transparency. Is the public really willing to go that route?

Monday, June 3, 2013

Continuing the HOT Topics

There are a couple of really hot topics that seem to garner enough attention to deserve a page of their own. Let's start with the current conversations regarding Sue Haynie. We have had teachers, administrators, probably RedApples and parents commenting on the latest 'SH situation'.........
Does Sue Haynie have the right to choose a different curriculum from the curriculum that the teachers want? Where is her expertise in this matter? Is there something fishy going on, as one person wrote? Is the person who is selling the curriculum a friend of Sue's?  Is there a Language Arts curriculum now or not? Should Sue Haynie take over the district as someone suggested, even in jest!

Sue, how about answering these questions? And did you only attend one of the curriculum presentations, namely the one you want? Did you not attend the others?  Let's hear it from you! We want to know wherein your expertise lies.

Teachers, other brave administrators, please weigh in. If we are going to get transparency, it's not going to be from this Board! (Do we even know anything about the finalists for the superintendency?)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Starting with two last comments...

Starting a new post with the two last comments from the last post:
 AnonymousMay 29, 2013 at 12:12 AM From Mike Barbis Twitter feed: "Its an election season, right? BOE members up for re-election are suddenly asking questions about curriculum, worried about legal expenses?" Cheap partisan politics. By the way, is Barbis doing nothing about the budget because he's not up for re-election this year?
 AnonymousMay 29, 2013 at 6:58 AM What about Haynie choosing curriculum? What's her connection to Amplify-Wireless Generation? Since when does she know better than the teachers what to choose? The teachers are angry!!! Where's Haynie's expertise coming from that she can choose and ignore the teachers?
Feel free to add additional topics!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

New post!

We can open up this post to the comments about the whittling down of the candidates for the Superintendent's job, or to reactions on the book published about the year at Brookside School, 'Raising the Curve,' or continue Haynie is doing whatever, or anything you wish to discuss. Please feel free to start the discussions going.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Republicans, are you kidding?

I realize that I should be impartial as the keeper of the blog, but this time I couldn't help but wonder out loud. Sue Haynie has declared she is running again for the Board of Education. Republicans do you read this blog and other blogs, opinions? Are the Republicans seriously going to back her? Norwalk voters pay attention to this woman's behavior. By all means, judge for yourself.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tell Your Story

You are the reporter! That's one of the ways this blog is different from other blogs. You get to write and share your stories of interest. What have you heard or seen that is of interest. There are many eyes and ears out there. Let us know what is happening.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Back to Your Topics

Anything on your mind regarding the Norwalk Public Schools that you would like to discuss?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spelling Bee with Costumes

What do you think of the initiative by the Norwalk Education Foundation's effort to raise money by holding a spelling bee with costumes?

Friday, March 22, 2013

A Few Items of Interest

A few items of interest about which you can ponder.......... (1) Where is the Board of Education getting the money to raise the new superintendent's salary range (up to) $250,000 when it was budgeted at $230,000? Will the additional money be taken from the classroom budgets? (2)At Tuesday night's Board of Education's meeting, there was an additional expenditure for legal fees of $45,000. It appears that Haynie dragged out negotiations. Why didn't she alert the Board about what she was doing? Why are the Apples not upset about this? (3) Why is Mike Lyons defending Haynie? Are the two Mikes and Sue a team now? Inquiring minds want to know.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

In All Fairness.....

In all fairness, Interim Daddona deserves all the credit for going after the IT Director. The alleged misconduct was started under Marks' reign. Daddona wanted accountability and went after him. At that point, the Director was put on leave with pay, as required, until the lawyers decided how to proceed. Remember, innocent until proven guilty? That's why there is a leave with pay. Once this is a legal issue, the lawyers dictate what is done. There are people accusing Daddona of the outcome. He has NO choice on what is done with the Director or what is required of him. Be fair! Daddona is giving you accountability and he is criticized for doing it? Doesn't make sense.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Executive Session, miscellaneous

(1) I heard Sue Haynie left the Board of Ed meeting and did not attend the executive session. (2)RedApples are populating the parent sessions to make their agenda heard. (3) NORWALKACT has a private session with the search firm???

Friday, February 8, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013

Not a Fair Chance

It was heard at a PTO Council meeting that Mike B., Board member, stated if Tony Daddona applies for the superindendent's position, Daddona would not get his (Mike's) vote. Law suit? Hostile environment? Not a fair chance? What is your opinion? At the very least, it's an irresponsible comment, in my opinion.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Civility Code?

There are no signatures on the BOE Civility Code. Are you wondering who is objecting?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Superintendent Search

Do we want a vision that has been created for a district that is not Norwalk? Are we willing to accept a retiree from another state again? Do we want a rookie again? What do we want in our new superintendent other than a great interview? Think about it. We've been accepting a lot of promises and 'words' that don't fit the state's requirements or Norwalk's. We need to realistically face where we are and who can move us forward.