Monday, October 7, 2013

Tea Party Anyone?

Think about it, the country is on Day 7 of a shutdown. Why? Because the Tea Party is demanding their way or no way. Why do Republican members of the Tea Party have so much clout? Why are other Republican politicians held hostage by them? The Tea Party members threaten members of Congress that they will run their own kind (Tea Party loyalists) against even well established politicians and will win. How do they know they will win? Easy! Most people don't vote anymore. The Tea Party has money and can get out the necessary vote for their candidates.
Now look at Norwalk and our very own "Tea Party" (or similar to)members. They are banding together to help each other to get elected. Will they win? You bet, if people don't vote. Voting nationally and locally has never been more important!


  1. Yes, and this is precisely why Steve is right. Free the Board from politics and vote a third party line. It's the only way, IMO, that we will get a working Board for the best interests of the students. Don't give our "Tea Party" the power. Ultra conservative Republicans remind me of Germany in past history. "They" are the superior people who know how to create a better nation. Look at the outcome of that thinking!

    1. Fulfilling Godwin's Law on the very first comment in a thread. Very impressive. :)

    2. There was no comparison to the Holocaust. I wouldn't do that. I am Jewish. It seems to me that the Red Apples are dogmatic about what they want just as the radical right House Republicans are dogmatic and intensely ideological. They are simply thinking about what they believe is best rather than what is for the good of the country. It would appear that the majority of people in the country do not want what this minority believes is best. This is what is happening in Norwalk.

    3. Godwin's Law does not involve comparisons to the Holocaust. Rather, it involves referring to one's opponents as Nazis. If your reference to "Germany in past history" with people who think that they are "superior people who know how to create a better nation" meant Bismarck, Frederick the Great, Kaiser Wilhelm or some other German historical figures other than the Nazis, then I was mistaken and apologize.

  2. Comparing education reform advocates to the Tea Partiers is an interesting one. I wasn't aware that Bill Gates or Steve Jobs (RIP) or President Obama or Rahm Emanuel, or Arnie Duncan or even Gov. Malloy were so close with Grover Nordquist and his pals.

  3. Reasonable and rational education reform is excellent. I am all for it. Who and what we have in Norwalk is neither reasonable or rational.

  4. 12.23 What do you consider reasonable and rational?

  5. What do I consider reasonable and rational? I consider educated people who listen to the input of the professionals in the field, and make decisions based on what is best for students as reasonable and rational. I consider the manner in which some of the members of this Board make decisions as unreasonable and irrational. Whether these members admit to it or not, decisions are made because of their own agendas, not because of what is researched as best for students. Some members of this Board make decisions based on (1) lack of respect for professional educators (2) friendship with a certain vendor (3) what appears to be anger/ desire for power that stems from a lack of education. I am sure others can add to this list.

    1. IMHO, the Tea Party rank and file have it right-- preserve our freedoms and don't create a bigger government than we need. The real Tea Party people are consistent.
      The folks in Washington and the ones on the BOE don't have a clue because they don't have a philosophy.
      Haynie a conservative? Are you kidding me? If you support Big Brother educating the young (like the Common Core) and taking away local control, you are no conservative. If you don't know how to watch your pennies and nickels, you're no conservative.

    2. 7.14 I apologize, but you didn't answer my question WHAT specific reforms do you think would be reasonable and responsible to the children of Norwalk. I am a voter and parent who is not interested right now in the "how" which I appreciate you have addressed. Please give me some examples of "what" as I am assuming you are an educator. Thank you.

    3. I am only one person with my own ideas as to what might be reasonable and responsible for our students. I do believe in the need for differentiated instruction based on the needs of the individual child. Beyond that, I want to see researched, proven methods of instruction. We need to know not only what children are required to learn in school to be valuable citizens, but what tools are used to implement the strategies and skills necessary for this learning. The Common Core is a given. It is pretty specific. Therefore the "what" at this point are the textbooks, or the tools. The "professionals" should decide upon that. In Norwalk, we have the experts. They are the literacy specialists who have been trained by the State Department and the universities. To allow members of the Board (Sue Haynie specifically) to negate that choice is unheard of under any professional circumstances. I would appreciate it if one of the members of the staff who was on the committee to choose the "program" for elementary would discuss the specifics of the reasons why their choice was made. I don't feel knowledgeable enough to go into detail about that. Thank you.

    4. 12.32 I appreciate your concerns on what you view as 'interference' by the BOE regarding which textbooks are chosen. But I also think that this blog gives Ms. Haynie far too much credit and or blame for what happens. She is 1 of 9 individuals. Like or loathe her (and I think it is pretty safe to say that this blog loathes her) she alone does not contribute to the dysfunction in NPS. She asks a lot of questions and doesn't play along to get along. In my opinion, as a parent, that has happened for far too long. What did Dr. Rivera call it...The Norwalk Way. In any event, my kids are no longer in elementary but I appreciate the teachers' desire to nail down the tools and textbooks. I had to get a tutor for my kids due to the lack of any textbooks for vocabulary, grammar, etc. but deferring to Dr. Rivera was probably the best course of action given the NPS politics that include but are not limited to the BOE. Thanks.

    5. Fair enough, I blame the RedApples, which include Sue Haynie.

    6. Where have the Red Apples inserted themselves into the ELA Curriculum fight?
      Nowhere that I can see...Seems this fight was between the BoE and Central Office. As far as I can tell it's Rivera's problem now.

    7. Are you kidding? Why do you think Rivera has to make the decision? Are you unaware who the RedApples are on the Board?

    8. The initial posting on Nancy on Norwalk ( highlighted the politicalization of the curriculum choice.
      The chairperson of the curriculum committee (Lyons) and his friends on the committee (Haynie and Barbis) won't move the evaluation report to the entire BOE. Do you think a superintendent in his first months will pick a fight with the chairperson and his closest allies on the BOE- especially when it was too late to get the program for this year?
