Friday, January 17, 2014

Six Month Mark

What has been accomplished in six months? That is how long the new superintendent has been here. The budget is a given. Anyone want to share?


  1. There have been no decisions made by this BoE. Nothing is happening in Norwalk. What's the story? The K-5LA curriculum is at a standstill. Why is Rivera not making a decision? Why is nothing happening? It's great that everything is quiet, but this is not in the best interest of our students.

  2. Manny has accomplished so much in a short amount of time. The shift in a positive culture has teachers and staff inspired.

    1. Really? Could you be specific about accomplishments, please?

  3. Yes, you are exactly right. The shift to a positive culture is back because the negative Apple is gone, Sue Haynie! Thank heavens!

  4. As a 12 month employee for many, many years, I would like to thank Mr. Riviera for closing both the schools AND THE OFFICES of the schools. We always wondered why, if it was unsafe for students and teachers, why was it safe for secretaries and school staff to come to work. Most of the time the schools were not plowed early in the morning which made it very difficult. His decision was greatly appreciated, at least by me!!

    1. City employees on the second floor have to show up for work unless City Hall is closed down, why should employees on the third floor be any different?

    2. Your own choice to work for the city at City Hall.

  5. New Board of Ed member question. where was Sherelle Harris on MLK Day? No one I knew saw her.

  6. Closing the third floor at City Hall was the only accomplishment in the last six months? That's not a good sign.

    1. Didn't put that on the list of accomplishments. It was merely a "thank you" to our new superintendent who has the decency to think not only of his students but his staff!!!

    2. Corda did the same thing until employees on the second floor complained. The real world has to show up to work on a work day unless the governor declares a state of emergency.

    3. You're absolutely right! Most people in education don't know what it's like to work in the "Real World"!!!! Not sure they could exist out there.

  7. I am so sure that this "thank you" to Manny came from a secretary on the third floor. They are the ones complaining all the time. They have little to do, so they complain about coming to work when it snows. Snow days are called for the safety of the students!

    1. Not sure the secretaries at City Hall, third floor could exist in the real world either. With administrators using computers these days, are the secretaries really necessary?

    2. Wrong.... I am parent who knows a lot about NPS. And yes 3:48, who would make the poor things their coffee each morning and take the brunt of the many mistakes made?

    3. @4:54 PM, as a parent you are listening to the secretaries, who diss their bosses? The secretaries who think they are capable of running the school system? The secretaries who spend hours shopping online and have the nerve to be disloyal to their bosses? That's a laugh! I have no respect for you or your sources!

    4. First you say you are a 12 month employee and now you say you are a parent who knows a lot about NPS. Which are you?

    5. Hahahahahahahaha. Pehaps I'm both, perhaps I'm neither. Perhaps I'm just very perceptive!!! Perhaps there should be more respect from both sides. Perhaps you should be at work and not on this blog!!!

    6. Perhaps I don't work.

      Unfortunately for you, you are making a lame argument, and, in fact you are proving you are one of those useless, complaining, not at all loyal secretaries. Whatever happened to the days where secretaries actually respected bosses, deserving or not? If you don't like the job you applied for, quit!

    7. And may I add, you are getting paid to do a job. YOU ARE NOT PAID TO STAB YOUR BOSS IN THE BACK!

    8. What in God's name are you rambling about? And who are you talking about? You really DON'T have a clue!!

    9. Really? I think I hit a nerve. Your nerve!

  8. wow! last time i will check this blog! bunch of low lifes!!

  9. I have to agree with 7:49. This blog is dying a slow death. No news, no insight, just small petty crap. I won't bother.

  10. How very sad the world has become. To think this all started with a simple thank you to our superintendent. To 7:44, you didn't hit any nerve, you should be ashamed of yourselves. I' m a parent who works very hard and loves every boss I ever had. Perhaps if some secretaries in corporate or in education, are bad mouthing their bosses, perhaps there is something to complain about! (Although I don't agree with bad mouthing anyone!)

  11. Everyone here has the right to vent, complain, question or whatever. Your comments to the effect that this has something to do with "how sad the world has become" is an over-generalization at best. It is important that this blog allows freedom of speech. If you choose another blog over us that does not reflect all the feelings of parents, staff or whomever, that is your decision. We respectfully wish you well. Now on to another topic at Norwalk Speaks!
