Sunday, January 11, 2015

While We Are Waiting...

While we are waiting for the change in command.....what are your thoughts?


  1. Unbelievable salaries of city employees. No wonder the city of Norwalk is going down the tubes!!!

  2. Agreed. People are moving out of Connecticut. Property values will tumble. What can be done about it? We added high paying jobs this year! There is no detailed long term plan to see if these new high paying salaries even impact on achievement. How do we add jobs with no plan for determining impact on achievement? Does the Board know what it is doing?

  3. Where is Migdalia Rivas?

    1. Health problems?

    2. She is really very ill. She has had several operations.

  4. Where are all the Black ministers? I don't see them supporting their community on the Board.

  5. why is it that we continue to keep people in central office that are poison? The board now offers them more. we reward bad behavior. Administrators and or other staff who the district, the board, and the community know are bad continue to thrive and be rewarded in Norwalk, only in Norwalk!!!

  6. Who says they are poisonous? Perhaps those who evaluate them are very happy with what they accomplish. Do not always believe what you read. They continue to be around because they are good at what they do. Rumor has it that some will be retiring this year.

  7. Bad behavior? It was a known fact that some superintendents asked these people to do their dirty work. Not to follow instructions would have been insubordination. Granted the manner in which the instructions were carried out might have been different, depending on the individual. Nevertheless dirty work is just that. Superintendents like to keep their images clean and ask others to take over the nasty stuff.

  8. bad and bullying behavior to employees, demoralizing some, backdoor deals by union people
    is corrupt and the district knows it, and so does the board.
    there has not been a supt. here more than two years since corda and yes he too was great for having others do his job. cannot blame marks or manny for the behavior of some people that for over 3 decades they have been allowed to mismanage treat others badly, do what they want when they want, and are still leading either in a school or union or CO. Hopefully a new leader will find a way not to get mixed up with the old way! Whether its apples, oranges, or pears...we need a new fruit basket...but no lemons please!

  9. To the poster above, thank you - thank you - thank you for speaking the truth. One of the biggest back door dealers has been busy posting here. Either that or he's having his minions do it for him. He's doing this exactly the same way as he has undermined the last three superintendents via his buddies on the board.

    I am sick of reading about "named educator victims" along with the new Norwalk way. Way past time to go. Unfortunately, we taxpayers will pay yet another hefty price.

  10. Wow! You certainly are bloodthirsty for destroying a certain person. What could possibly make you so focused on destroying a person's reputation and career? It is not in the children's best interest to see a parent going for the jugular. You are a very angry woman. Just remember school systems, like corporate higher ups and like politicians is all about back door deals. The Board of Ed has engaged in those as well. Would you like to get rid of them also? Lyndon Johnson moved this country forward with many back room politicking. Wait for the new hires. You know the person you have....Be careful what you wish for!

  11. "Unfortunately, we taxpayers will pay yet another hefty price.".

    What does that mean? Another hefty price? Please explain to those kept in the dark.

  12. To post 4:54.... just remember someone else does not destroy a person's reputation or career. The person himself/herself does that all by their lonesome!!!

  13. @12:43 PM, in most cases you are correct. BUT Think about people who sue others for libel or slander. It's all about suing those who lie to ruin someone's reputation or career. If people knew the whole truth and didn't write (or talk about) half truths or lies, we wouldn't need lawyers to sue for slander/libel. People can ruin another person's reputation.

  14. Defamation of character occurs when someone makes a false statement about you that causes you some type of harm. The statement must be published (meaning some third party must have heard it), false, and it must result in harm, usually to the reputation. Those essential components of a defamation claim are fairly straightforward.
