Tuesday, May 26, 2015

More You.....

Speak your mind.......


  1. Still another administrator leaves Norwalk. Housemaster at High School leaves to be Stamford principal. Anyone counting the administrators leaving Norwalk?

    1. That housemaster is not a real loss for Norwalk. He was just putting in his year here, waiting until the Stamford position opened up. He paid lip service to a lot of people but never backed it up with doing much of anything.

  2. And I don't think it's over yet.

  3. What do you think about Haynie taking on Bruce Melion about the program to help Title I parents? My opinion is that Bruce is right. Haynie is filled with hate. Teachers are professionals who do their research on programs that work and don't work. An experimental program based on research is a good thing in Norwalk. Let the professionals do their jobs! And folks wonder why there is a mass exodus of top professionals from our district ruled by parents.

  4. Haynie is way out of line.

  5. Haynie is the only one with the stones to take on Bruce Mellion. I'm sure this will be if Marge and some of the others out of the woodwork screaming 'Apple' again - but that couldn't be farther from the truth.

  6. Haynie doesn't know what she is talking about.

  7. It's comical that a women with an Associate's degree in Art (and a BA in what from Charter Oak) and a man who was a shop teacher are arguing over curriculum at a literacy program for parents. I think we've all fallen down the rabbit hole

  8. Can someone pay attention to NHS and what is going on with the leadership?
    A mess!
    Another housemaster gone, and yes he was only in a holding pattern...
    but who else will they put their-that may need a place to call home?
    In the meantime there is a "ivy leader" and cannot lead.
    One debacle after an other.
    When is that NEASC report coming? Will that help the situation?

  9. Ask the "worker bees". They can tell you everything. Norwalk PS is in a sad state. Good people are not being given jobs because "it's not what you know, it's who you know". There needs to be clean out from the board to the CO (oh, sorry, guess they are bailing out themselves). What is it that those leaving know??? One of the bloggers mentioned bad morale in the schools. It's true... Yes, again, ask the worker bees, they KNOW EVERYTHING!!!

  10. The people here see it better than most.
    Shirley has been ineffective. Mike Lyons and Mike Barbis have free reign to get "their" people in administrator jobs. They do more non-stop self promotion but should be working a little harder on NPS. The two Mikes have a huge mess on their hands. With them on the BOE, we've lost two superintendents, the deputy superintendent, two CFO's, the Personnel Director, and all the "building- based curriculum specialists (a/k/a the assistant principals).
    Someone should tell them not to run on their records.

  11. Read it here! This is where the truth is unveiled. NPS is in a mess. Thanks to Lyons, Barbis, Haynie and Thomson, anyone who can get out is getting out of Dodge. Lyons keeps announcing how much he is accomplishing. Embellishing the truth would be a gross understatement of his declarations. Haynie and Thomson belittle and disparage teachers and administrators. Aren't you, the taxpayers, tired of hearing how they (Haynie and Thomson) walk on water, but professionals associated with the NPS are ineffective, inadequate and incompetent? The next chosen superintendent will be their puppet as well. Get out of Dodge if you can!
