Sunday, November 2, 2014


We average 100 page views a day! Thank you, Norwalk, for making NorwalkSpeaks an important place for you to hear what is going on in the school system. You, the taxpayers, the staff and others are making a difference.

Please continue to add your comments and questions. They are being read!


  1. The Democrats are waiting to see who Rilling will support for BOE chair. Republican or Democrat?

  2. Point of information: Nancy on Norwalk did an article on Ralph V. Mike Lyons has come to his defense in a major way. If you have something to say, jump on over there and say it. Otherwise nothing gets fixed! It will be politics as usual.

  3. How could the chairman of the BOE jump to the defense of the IT Person? Doesn't make any sense.
    The neew program, Power School is a total debacle. There is absolutely no training. What was the implementation plan? "put your popcorn in the microwave, then log in to powerschool, watch the video, and now you can do your work." Are you kidding???This is an insult. Having been around more than 2 decades and watching what is going on, how in the world is this man chief of IT? He was here I believe 10 years ago, was brought in as a tech support person, upgraded because he was married to the mayor's neice, to be IT director, and we had one disaster after another. Genesis was a mess.
    Every technology thing he does has no beginning, end, and no one know who knows what?
    we have one person at central office to call for help...what happens if she gets sick or leaves? who will be called? and this is called a "plan"...
    Norwalk, wake up you are being taken for a ride...and it is not even a roller coaster, it is spiraling in one bad direction...downward!
    The IT director is only one disaster, there are others. I only hope people begin to speak up...

  4. I hope that the mayor is smart enough to weigh in on what is going on...we need a new BOE chair. This man is not doing what is necessary for Norwalk. If he was he would really be asking questions, and not covering up problem after problem....
    we need someone who will not be subject to lies and work on making them truths...

  5. Not only is Power School a mess for staff, but the new semi-revised Progress Reports are a poor attempt at change for Elementary Schools. They were given to teachers to look over last week. There is nothing to give to parents until weeks after the conferences. This attempt to change the Progress Reports needs major revising so parents can understand them. The questions are who wrote them, were any teachers involved and why were they given to staff to look over a few days before conferencing? In addition, why didn't a letter go home to parents to explain the situation? Change is good if it is done carefully with all parties involved and in a timely manner.

  6. Did anyone see the comment by Mike Lyons that NorwalkSpeaks is a joke? It is under the article about Ralph on NON. I think over 100 hits a day on this site - that is DAILY hits, is nothing to joke about. Keep up your comments, dear readers. We seem to have hit a nerve!

  7. Norwalk staff and citizens need a place to vent where they do not feel they will be punished. Right now there is fear that if you say something, then something will happen to you. It has been that way for years. The deputy superintendent has been a bully for years, having people fear their jobs. Why has nothing been done about him? Everyone knows he cannot make a decision, has no vision, and has destroyed programs, people, and cannot even put a sentence together. Who is his ghost writer now that the former principal form Marvin is gone?
    Speaking of the BOE chair, he can continue to defend but time will tell as the twine unravels in the district. Yes you are right 100 hits a day is significant. some are watching. Those that should need to take the blinders off, and those that know what is going on, should be working toward what is right for our kids.

  8. And we are up to 0ver 200 hits today! People want the truth. Give it to them!

  9. Yes, let it be told. A lot of anger out there and frustration! Having worked in Norwalk for over a number of years, and having been around for at least 6 superintendents, I feel like we are not moving forward but taking giant expensive leaps backward. Look at the changes in under 2 years. We have added 6 to HR, we added 2 administrators to central office on special assignments, we still have a deputy who does what?
    There are issues with principals, and where is the superintendent? What about his chief of technology, partnerships, and the partridge in the pear tree? There have been more technology mishaps than one could care to discuss.
    Is there no accountability when you are the highest paid in the state? Or do you only answer to MikeL?

  10. The tech guy is a good friend of the superintendent. He won't be replaced no matter how badly he screws up.

  11. So very sad on what is happening to Norwalk schools. The morale is at the lowest ever. Many young, new teachers are wanting to leave the system. Why is it still like "the good ole boys club"? I remember staying after school for extra help. Those teachers did not get paid extra or expect anything. They were there to HELP the kids. Is it leadership that is effecting the downfall of Norwalk P.S.? Can anyone give an answer to us taxpayers!

  12. The truth is the RedApples got exactly what they wanted. Now we have a superintendent who has accomplished nothing sustainable. He has hired lots of central office people, who are his friends, by the way. The consultants he has used are from his private company. What have we seen to help teachers? Nada. The man the RedApples touted as the superintendent who walks on water has sunk the school system. I suspect the administrators know this but can't admit it. Can you imagine the position administrators would be in if they admitted that this superintendent is all smoke and mirrors? After being blamed for Susan Marks, they will not come out of hiding. There is no leadership.
