Monday, December 12, 2011

Playing Favorites?

There is a lot of talk around town about the superintendent's 'favorites.' These favorites are some of the principals. One could understand favoring principals who show strong leadership in improving test scores and who are sincerely narrowing the achievement gap. But this is not so in Norwalk. These are just 'favorites.' These are people who are treated differently. Then there are those who are treated unfavorably, even nastily, it is told. Is this the way a true leader behaves? What book Is this superintendent reading? Certainly not 'How to Win Friends and Influence People.'


  1. Look at the 4 schools that needed parent councils because the state said they were "failing". In any other city, those principals would have an awful lot of 'splaining to do. But here 3 of the 4 are Marks' faves, so nothing is done.
    Sad- very very sad.
    Don't get me started about her favorites on the BoE-- Sue Haynie attacks other members, kills staff with paperwork demands and Susie Marks just sits back and smiles.

  2. My friends keep telling me to watch this favorite game because the former Director of Elementary Ed is her real favorite and that the superintendent is plotting a big job back in central office for her.

  3. The superintendent's new budget comes out soon. If there is a new central office job on the list with a big salary, I wouldn't be surprised if the superintendent wants her favorite of favorites in that position. I agree with 10:45 PM. If this person appears again as the top priority for this superintendent, I say it's time to look for a new top person. Enough is enough already!! Does she think we are all stupid?

  4. Is anyone really surprised that the rookie who was going to quit when she didn't get her way plays favorites?
    Come on.
    What is the bamboo under my fingernails is how much she lets her gang badmouth any BoE member who dares to question her and then plays the poor little victim.
    Maybe after she loads up her budget with millions of dollars of jobs for her friends we'll get the picture.

  5. So right, 12:49 AM! She plays the poor little victim quite well. BoE, I hope you are listening. I am really concerned about this budget process. We are still struggling in this economy. Now is not the time to expand central office.

  6. Let me give what I know about Supt. Marks' faves---
    Bob Polcelli, Technology Director, is allowed to work from home and doesn't have to fly to work if it's bad weather. His work was deeply criticized by a BoE member who looked at his department's problems. Marks shrugged her shoulders and did nothing, except argue that Polcelli's department needs a couple more bodies.
    The Ponus Ridge Principal has put teachers on leave without any cause-- her decisions are always rescinded, but nothing happens to her. In the past year, she's had a drinking scandal at her school, a no confidence letter sent in by some staff members and a problem in her not planning for her school's fall sport program. What has been her discipline?? Absolutely ZIP.

    The Brien McMahon principal has had awful test scores- far worse than Norwalk High. They're so bad, she needs to form a parent advisory council. Any repurcussions from Susie Marks- heck no. Go one step further at McMahon-- for months security equipment was broken and when a gun was found under a vending machine, no one could identify who left it (because the camera that faced that area had been broken for months). So, what does this principal get for having an unsafe school on her watch- NOTHING.

    Let's get real people- Susan Marks' favorites are jeopardizing our kids and costing us tons of money-- BoE, it's time to step up to the plate and start swinging for the fences.

  7. You want more information about favorites? The former Director of Elementary Education has a grievance filed and claims she deserves the position of Director of Technology. According to many in the know, Susan Marks totally supports that the former Director gets this position. what are the qualifications of the former Director of Elem. Education? I heard she worked for a technology company ten years ago in something like Human Resources. She has no background in infrastructure or in current technology. Please feel free to correct me if anything I have stated is wrong. I am seriously worried about the decisions made by this superintendent.

  8. Thanks for the insight of this information - its a shame to what is happening in our schools especially in those that need school governance council. I've heard from Ponus that there is a huge lack of parental involvement and while this is the case for many schools, Ponus is a bit different because I've been informed from several administrators there, it is because of the Principal - she releases information late to prevent to the Ponus public so she does not have to deal with complaints and from 'strong' active parents. The sports team at this school is disorganized - they start late and their 'try-out/opporunity' concept is out of control. Perhaps Arnie from BOE can look into procedures of the Athletic department of middle school to ensure that their procedures are managed accordingly. The Director of Elementary of Education is coming back on the books - Dr. Marks needs to repost this position and give everyone an opportunity to interview - BOE must pay close attention to this process. But watch out - cause this job is back..stay tuned for the 2012 budget.

  9. If the Director of Elementary Education position comes back, the former Director automatically gets the position. There is no interview for the job. There isn't even a posting. It's contractual. But why would the superintendent recreate a position that was definitely not working? If it is true that the position is coming back, this superintendent has lost all credibility. If it is true, BofEd please get rid of her, and yesterday isn't soon enough to see the door close behind her.

  10. I have it on good authority that Susan Marks was planning to come in with a whopping increase in budget requests, but was advised to come in with a status quo budget. Looks like she is taking the advise of the unions now. If she is gaining favor as a result of their advise, what will she owe them in the future? The superintendent/union friendship is always interesting to follow.

  11. What is unfortunate is that the "middle people" and students are the affected bodies in these budget arguments. The Directors get cut, but the expectation and demand for services does not stop. The Central Office WORKERS (secretarys, technicians, assistants, etc.) carry the load of the high paid positions with ZERO acknowlegement or compensation. And guess what? The work and services are getting done! You have competent people that are ethical workers because they NEED their paltry paychecks! Most live in Norwalk and pay taxes. Get rid of these overpaid leaders - all of them - they are overpaid, non-productive, BS Artists. Recognize the middle people that have kept this worm infested ship afloat! Hire a local leader with a vested interest in the school system and has BUSINESS SENSE! It is a business - just a VERY poorly, poorly managed one.

  12. Well, 3:37 PM, that's an interesting attitude. So now you believe the secretaries, technicians, assistants should write curriculum, should sit in on PPT decisions for Special Education legalities, should represent Norwalk at the State level at the various meetings, should write grants and make monetary decisions, should evaluate and train staff.....etc. etc. etc.? Would you also like them to interpret statistical data and present the results to the Board? You don't have any idea what middle management does in education. And, no, our clients are not
    Like those in the business world. They are children!!!

  13. To 5:35pm, I can tell you from my experience having a "secretary, technician, or assistant" sitting in on PPT decisions for special education legalities would put everyone in a much better place. First and foremost, the special ed student would receive much-needed services as he wouldn't be held hostage to all the game playing that goes on at these meetings to deny a child what they are legally entitled to. Secondly, the district would be better off because the money spent trying to deny a child the services could be spent training the staff, which could then help other students and avoid future lawsuits. The taxpayer would be better off because the district would avoid a costly lawsuit, where the vast majority of them are settled because the district is in the wrong. And the parent would be better off because he wouldn't have to listen to all the nastiness hurled at him from the vast majority of the administrators within the school buildings so he could actually have some energy to parent his special needs child. I can't speak to cirriculum writing, stat interpretation, but I definitely have had the exerience to know what I am talking about with regard to what goes on within special ed. If it is true that an organization is only as good as how it treats its weakest members, then Norwalk is in even more trouble than most of you even know.

  14. What really needs to be done in central office is to reduce the hours of the secretaries to 27 1/2 hrs. a week. Not only would money be saved for hours not worked, but the cost of benefits would be saved.....HUGE $$$$. The truth is the work is getting done by most, but some of them have horrible attendance records, many of them spend a lot of time sending jokes and e-mails to friends on their computers, some shop on the internet....These so called 'WORKERS' are busy much of the day NOT working. There isn't enough work to keep them all busy for the hours they work. Have the tech people monitor their computers. You will see how much time is wasted.

  15. 2.10pm, reducing the hours of the secretaries is not the real answer. If they have time to do other things than their jobs, blame their supervisors for the lack of supervising and holding secretaries accountable for their actions. Central office took a hit last year - perhaps it is time to remove dead weight or incompetent employees from their positions and hire those that are capable of doing the job. Cutting hours does nothing!

  16. 6:30 AM, the benefits are approx. $20,000 per secretary. That's not cost savings? Also, if the supervisors don't have work for the secretaries, then it is logical to assume that there are too many of them in central office. These days supervisors type their own letters on the computer and send lots of messages via e-mail. Supervisors also have their own phones, so they can be reached any time. Think about it reasonably, typing and answeri g phones is a large part of a secretary's job. Times have changed. Norwalk should change with the times!

  17. We will have more money removing all or some APs in schools - thats where the $$$ is. Here is an example - Ponus has two AP and the principal yet the school still lacks behind. Its time to reach real deep in our pockets and make some harder decisions that carry big bucks behind it. Tomorrow night Dr. Marks will be presenting the 2012-13 budget - lets see what she comes up with.

  18. 8:01AM - wrong on the $20,000 per secretary. Those bennies have changed since you were employed. No-one just answers phones and types letters - scheduling, ordering, creating budget spreadsheets, creating presentations, keeping in contact with all school personnel; give me a break - do you even know what's involved? Norwalk HAS changed with the's just nasty when a secretary (at $40,000 a year) makes a director (at $120,000 a year)look good because of her skill and knowledge and then gets NOTHING for it.
    Take a closer look at the admin salaries and bennies - talk about cost savings....people are starving for work out there, a competent, ethical person can be found and the salary could be trimmed dramatically. Get rid of the BS Artists.

  19. 12:52 PM, I was using an average benefit package dollar figure. Don't assume I don't know the facts. You would be wrong. As for making the director look wish! You would fail miserably If you had to do what is expected of that position. I know secretaries think that they know it all in central office. That's part of the problem. Another even larger part of the problem.... They bad mouth their bosses, just as you are clearly doing here. I hope the director reads this and eliminates you: someone who doesn't know the meaning of loyal, someone who thinks they know it all, and someone who is definitely NOT ethical. Good riddance to bad garbage!

  20. You don't know the facts, that's obvious and if you did your job well there would be no bad mouthing. There would be support. We KNOW what you do and where you go! Loyalty comes with respect.

  21. Well, lets change gears and look at the proposed budget. Tonight, Dr. Marks is presenting an 8% budget increase request with no cuts requested...hmmmm. Bruce Mellion was stated on the Hour that the public must understand that last year the city provided BOE with <3% and the year before was 0%. While it may be some interesting facts for the public, how can we request for an 8% this year - we basically doubled last years' request and what will the % increase be on a good economy? Like I said, tonight will be interesting for sure. Public meetings will be held early January by the Finance Committee - for what exactly, if no cuts are being requested.

  22. The latter parts of this thread conjure up images of both directors and their support staff bent over their screens furiously tapping out for blog posting the news of the others' worthlessness, stopping only to look over their shoulders to see whether the others are watching...

    I wonder what the traffic falloff would be for weekday blog postings here if this site were to be blocked on the third floor computers.

  23. 12:04pm - the opion you are including is what I wrote (6.36am) and I am not an employee of bOE I'm simply a parent, trying to keep up.

  24. Please do ask the tech Dept. to follow the use of this site by the secretaries and even the directors. I promise you that I am not a director 'tapping away' on the computer. I do know about the absolute lack of loyalty by some of the secretaries, however. With a paycheck comes the understanding of confidentiality and loyalty. Since when do secretaries have the right to castigate their bosses in public? There are some mean spirited secretaries in central office who have taken advantage of the system and are seeking revenge now because they are being held accountable. They need to be fired! There are many more ethical people waiting to fill those secretarial positions, who will be loyal and who will not publicly or privately insult their boss. Susan Marks, get rid of these dangerous people and you will go a long way in creating civility in C.O. Follow the trail on their computers! The evidence is there.

  25. This site is blocked in the school system.

  26. Wow. Forever is a long time.

    Out of curiosity -- is the blog itself blocked, or is the entire domain blocked?

  27. To add to the above question, what else is blocked? I'm curious if sending e-mails, jokes and chain letters to friends is blocked, if shopping on the Internet, and if other blogs are blocked too.

  28. no it's not blocked

  29. I think you all have a point, some people in the system are not working at their desks. They are reading the newspaper, talking on the phone on personal calls, and going to the computer to do personal emails. I have seen them do these things right in front of the administrators they work for with them looking on. While other workers in the main offices around town (in schools) are doing outstanding work with not only their duties but with the children and parents. It all falls back on who is evaluating who...and yes people there are favorites to all evaluators out there.
