Friday, May 30, 2014

New Topics

A continuation of your topics....

The Norwalk Public School system is enjoying a quiet period.  Manny Rivera is enjoying a good year, teachers and administrators seem content and the Union appears to be content. As the moderator for this blog, I am delighted. Nevertheless, this blog continues to stay available for questions, comments, suggestions and/or your thoughts.


  1. My concerns:
    1. When will the BoE seriously consider the problems at Norwalk High School and evaluate if new leadership is needed?
    2. After the name of one of the candidates for Special Ed Director was leaked by a member of the interview committee, will the BoE or superintendent do anything to change how those committees are formed?
    3. Will the BoE have an honest discussion about the process for hiring administrators? Will they formalize whether the superintendent must make at least 2 candidates available for them to interview?
    4. With the negotiation of the final year salary in the teachers contract coming up, will the BoE realize that Supt. Rivera should be one to lead negotiations?

  2. The process of hiring administrators is a joke. Oftentimes, it is totally manipulated to a predetermined candidate. Examples abound.

    1. 5:43, you are SO right. It's disgusting how positions are filled. Yes, definitely predetermined!

    2. Why is the BoE giving up their responsibility to interview administrative candidates? Rivera is just making recommendations and the candidates are getting a rubber stamp appointment.

  3. Question - Who is responsible for evaluating the Norwalk High principal?

  4. Another question: now that Karen Amacker is leaving her headmaster position, who chooses her replacement? I'd this another already determined person?

    1. Or another retiree brought in as interim making $600-$700/day! How is this justified?

  5. Lots of parents still cringing over the lack of leadership at Norwalk High School. Losing Amacker will put Roberts even further behind. Far too many fights. A culture that accepts teen drinking and drug use. And don't get me started on teachers who don't return assignments, who don't post grades on time and who don't communicate with parents.

    1. Ralph Valencizi evaluates Roberts. Have you expressed your concerns to him?

    2. Very interested in this discussion about Norwalk High. My son will be going there as a sophomore next year. To what extent are the problems you're describing seen in the 8s and honors stanines?

      Having serious second doubts about our move now...

    3. Don't take no news as good news.

  6. When does the new superintendent find out that he either gets or doesn't get his extra $50,000 (bonus)?
    How does everyone think the decision will go?

    1. Mike Lyons stated that the superintendent would not get the bonus, I believe. It was on NON.

  7. Another summer- another season for Jack Chiaramonte to miss Board of Ed meetings.
    I don't know what is worse, someone who doesn't show up, or the many of them who are always late.
    It's disrespectful to the public and it shouldn't be tolerated.

  8. The district data teams are going to be renamed! but essentially the teams are going to interpret data and set goals for the school and for the students. Not new. Is this the best we've got to improve test scores? Hasn't worked in the past. How about accountability? How has that changed?

  9. I am hearing that Bruce Melion is running the district. He and Manny Rivera meet and discuss what is planned and Manny listens to Bruce! Jack Chiarmonte must be going nuts.

  10. Again, I say... running or ruining the district!!!!

  11. There is a new organizational chart at Central Office. The administrators are not pleased. The person the superintendent is pushing for the head of curriculum is not well liked in the district. Add to that the Human Resource Department is staffed with more people than the curriculum department. Money is flowing and more people are being appointed at Central Office. Is this what's best for Norwalk?

  12. Central office is pathetically lean. And let's just say the caliber isn't top notch. There has been zero support for schools - absolutely zero. Good people are desperately needed. Not retreads.

    1. Are you saying to just add more to the "dead people walking"? What happened to the accountability promised? What happened to getting rid of those who are not capable? Just keep adding to the tax dollars people have to dole out? What's your explanation? I am curious!

    2. MORE Chiefs???? MORE high paid salaries? Are you all serious?

  13. Had to laugh with the on-going Mellion conspiracy theory.
    Supt Rivera knows how to work with the guy to keep him from injecting himself into important things.
    There are lots of meetings with Lyons- watch for the parents to start screaming when their schools lose custodians. That will be the big battle this summer.

    1. Do you really think Melion is stupid? He is a very significant influence.

    2. Mellion isn't stupid. But he has a huge ego. Given the choice, feeding the ego comes before fighting for teachers (especially younger teachers).
