Thursday, September 25, 2014

Optimists and Pessimists

All comments welcome.........
Whether you are an optimist or a pessimist, let us know why you are thinking that way.
Questions, comments and/or opinions are always welcome.


  1. i have always been an optimist. i come from a family of them. what is the most difficult thing is to work in an environment of pessimism. however, when things don't change, and you see the same type of political happenings going in in the district, it is quite understandable why people are pessimistic. CO seems to be growing and growing, and with who? outsiders or displaced? positions filled without postings. transparency where? only on the saran wrap roll! worked here over 30 years...the biggest difference...the window dressing!

  2. Well, nothing seems different in HR. Despite the upheaval and expensive new hires, they are still unresponsive. Even more so.

  3. Agreed! Both comments are on the mark.

  4. Not only are they unresponsive (HR), but when you do get a response, it is sometimes very arrogant, wrong information, and not at all a warm environment.
    now there are three making 6 figures, and what has changed? who is watching who?
    There have been hirings without postings, retirees recycled over and over again.Lots of chiefs.

  5. Why are people so apathetic to what is going on, and not wanting to at least vent to this site? It would be healthier than going into your job everyday, unhappy, and not having a place to let go of your frustration?

  6. To all staff: have you noticed how the evaluation of the person at the top is only determined by the Board's opinion or the parents' opinions? Have you noticed how staff has not been asked to give their opinions on how the new superintendent is doing? Teachers are notorious for letting everyone steamroll over them. Wake up and do something about it if you have something to say! At least be heard, positive or negative!

  7. Tell me what possible good it will do to vent here?

    1. You would be surprised how many people read this blog. Many of them are influential people. If you stay silent, then live with being the slaves of a system that doesn't care what you think.

  8. I think the influential people are too vested in maintaining the status quo.

    1. And they will maintain the status quo if theirs are the only voices heard. There are other people who are looking for the truth. Why not give truth a try? Fight for real transparency.
