Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Your Topics

Your turn......Your topics....


  1. NORWALK -- Just how much city aid the Board of Education has to work with will finally be determined at a Board of Estimate and Taxation special meeting next week.
    The Board of Estimate, which already extended the schools $2.2 million in aid to be repaid back into the city's insurance trust fund over two years before revising that decision to $2.666 million over three years, will discuss whether the Board of Education gets to keep its surplus from its fiscal year 2011-12 budget and if the Board of Estimate will add to that $2.666 million figure at the July 11 meeting to be held in the Concert Hall. - Norwalk Hour article (partial quote)

    1. There is not a true "surplus".
      Supt Marks and her crack finance team thought that they would have a $4 Million deficit, so the BET allowed them an extra $4 Mill for 2011-2012 AS A LOAN. Now it looks like the deficit was less-- so the question is do they keep all that they borrowed, or have to return what wasn't needed for 2011-2012.
      Bottom line- still a deficit for 2011-2012, still mismanagement, still political games.

  2. Doesn't the current budget mess show that party politics will destroy the Board of Education? Isn't it time that Board of Education elections were done without party nominations or party lines on the ballots?

  3. In my humble opinion, the whole board needs to go and take Susan Marks with them. While they are going, don't forget to pick up the mayor on their way out.

  4. Has anyone noticed that the comments in The Hour are getting downright nasty?
    Are we that frustrated as a community?

  5. Are you talking about the replies to the Tracey teacher who had no business writing to the Hour? It was terribly inappropriate of Ms. Guhl to have written what she did. She betrayed her colleagues by writing something that basically says 'poor me.' She deserved to be blasted by people who don't know how to make ends meet in this economy. Her letter seems not to recognize what is going on around her. Too bad.

  6. Again I say, Boo hoo. Why are we always talking about how tough it would be for teachers to take a pay freeze? What about the NFEP group that have lost their jobs or have had their hours cut which in turn cuts their salaries. This group too has daycare, mortgage payments, car payments, and on and on. It's getting very frustrating and anger and resentment on the part of many seems to be rising!

  7. If teachers take a hard freeze and put $2Million back into the budget, do they get to decide how that money is used?
    What if they insisted that all of the money be used to restore teaching positions? Would they have that right?

  8. Teachers do not have the right to say what gets restored to the budget. Susan Marks is calling all the shots....and you know what her priorities are!

  9. Just heard that the Board of Ed is having a SPECIAL MEETING this THURSDAY. Guess they want to spend the money before any of us can tell them what's important to our kids.
    Any chance Marks proposes what the kids need?
    Any chance anyone will stand with Colarossi if he tries to hold them off at the pass? Get on your horses, people- we need to be at that Board of Education meeting this THURSDAY.

  10. I heard that the plan to put money back into the schools is out. Is it true that Supt Marks restores 3 elementary teachers? I think we need more than 3 more teachers in the elementary schools.
