Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Longer School Day?

What do you think about a longer school day? What would you like to see added to the end of the day? Do you think test scores would increase as a result of additional hours? How would this affect children? Should only the schools that are failing have longer days? What else?


  1. Don't think it would increase test scores. Parents need to be more involved with their kids' schooling and homework. At high school level, what about those kids who play sports or have part time jobs afterschool? Would Saturday school be considered, not that I would be for it.

  2. who would pay for the additional hours for all the teachers and aides and other support staff?

  3. The Time Collaborative, a combination of federal, state and private funds

  4. First, if the students are not learning in 6 hours, what makes anyone think that more hours will fix this? It's the content, delivery and or expected goals that need fixing...and yes, parental responsibility.
    Second, does anyone know how funds will be allocated? Many questions arise...will 40 hour staff get overtime? will new personnel be hired part time? will it be a rotating schedule? how will continuity be addressed?
    In the end I believe accountability would better serve the issue. Accountability for teachers, administrators and parents. If you're not doing your job then there should be consequences.

  5. Lots of research says that longer school days help kids. There's too much for them to learn, so extra time can be good-- if you have good teachers. But isn't it funny that the Apples don't ask why Norwalk doesn't jump on this "reform" trend. Wonder why? I know I do.

  6. The Apples are too busy trying to find new ways to keep up with their primary agenda. The latest plot is where they surreptitiously arrive at the Interim's residence and dance in the yard whooping it up so he can't sleep at night. If he doesn't sleep, they are sure he will make a mistake that they can all write about in the local paper's Letters to the Editor.

    1. Most nights, I thought the Apples were busy dancing under the moonlight at their Wiccan ceremonies.

  7. I'm a high school parent. I think that each teacher should have her syllabus on line and all homework assignments on line. That would help parents stay on top of their kids work.

  8. I am a high school parent too. I agree with 3:03pm that the syllabus for each class should be online and that all homework assignments should be posted each day and be available online. Otherwise, it is hard to stay involved without becoming a pest.

  9. Another HS parent who agrees with the prior posters--- any BOE members out there who can relay that request?

  10. The three posters have made an interesting point. With two daughters at Norwalk High, I agree that it would be great if we could see the syllabus for each course and know what the homework is. I will look into those suggestions.

  11. I have been a parent to two high school students and believe that they have to learn to take notes and be responsible for assignments. I discussed with them what their assignments were and I talked about how it is important for them to become independant and responsible in high school so that when they went to college they would succeed without me watching their every move. My number one graduated from college last year and my number two is just starting, while I think it is great to be involved, I also believe that there is a time where students need to cut the apron strings and start to grow towards independance.
