Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thoughts for an Open Discussion

What is it that influences how a child does academically? Yes, there have been the nature vs. nurture argument. Research points to a lack of vocabulary development before three years old. Then there's the argument of 'Most never leave poverty who were born into poverty.' Have we done an injustice to our students by trying to push everyone academically instead of teaching a trade? What do you think about the lack of parent sacrifice these days to create a better future for the next generation? Germany sacrificed and now they lead the European nations. What does sacrifice mean to you?  Money? Time spent with children? Time educating children to give them a heads up in school? Are we failing our children? Let's explore what it is that is missing.


  1. It seems to me that a worthwhile sacrifice for parents today would be to put down their cell phones and other devices, and turn off the tv to talk to and spend time with their children. This alone would give them a heads up in language development which would help their children become school ready.

  2. Great suggestion! So many people walk around with their electronic devices attached to them. A study should be done on how this affects language development in children. Perhaps the first words babies learn today are, ""I'm talking/texting now. Go play."

  3. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but Mr. "Pibermen" who is all over the other various blogs and webpages of Norwalk needs to take a break. He is constantly attacking teachers about salary and benefits. How does this help mend fences? The NFT has said nothing negative since the election and has worked with Dr. Rivera. He is one now being hostile and negative.

    1. I agree. Nancy on Norwalk has given Mr. Berman way too much attention in her blog. Mr. Berman has no interest in mending fences. He is an angry, nasty man.
