Saturday, September 17, 2011

To Leave or Not To Leave, that is the question

The topic is the superintendent. She is leaving one day and not leaving the next. Is there a game being played here? What is going on? The latest that has been rumored is that she is not leaving. Did everyone start to be nice to her now? How do you feel about what is going on?


  1. It is beyond bad manners to flat-out solicit traffic for your blog on someone else's.

    Make witty, interesting comments on someone else's blog and post your blog address in your sig. If people are intrigued they'll click through. The way you're doing it now is just spamming.

  2. blogger....unlike your blog....Moina at least described her intent of her 'blog' and gave out her identity..which made it more trusting and worthy of to share who you are?

  3. There has been no action on Moina's blog for a long tome. Besides, everyone has a right to the freedom of speech and anonymity here. Call it whatever you choose. There's room for a different perspective here.

  4. Moina's blog,whether it is simply on hiatus or whether it has run out of steam, has made a serious effort to present actual news, with verifiable sources, concerning the Norwalk Public Schools.

    By all appearances, this blog has no such intentions, and instead seeks to promote and give a home to the same type of unsourced rumor-mongering that eventually poisoned the comments section on Moina's blog.

  5. I think the other site closed down. Nobody is on there anymore. Anyway, what difference does it make who started this blog? If you do not like the idea of it, do not follow it.


  7. Good to see we've moved beyond attacking the messenger and now shoot at anyone who asks questions. What gossip has this person spread?
    I'd like this blogger to give a little perspective on who she/he is. But lots of people posted on before anyone knew who was the blogger behind that site.
    As for NorwalkNet, doesn't anyone find it curious that the superintendent's news (leaving/staying?) is absent?

  8. Should I stay or should I go...If I stay there will be trouble, if I go there will be double. If the Super has family issues she should be able to address them in a leave so that she can come back and focus on the school system. If the issues can not be taken care of in a leave then she should resign. Simple but what is fair.

  9. Uh, I guess I misudnerstood. I thought this was about whether Dr. Marks was going to take a leave of absence, not about whether Moina's blog was the place to be.

    Anyone know what was going on with the leave of absence thing?

  10. My guess is that she must a be consulting her lawyer. Isn't that what all of our past superintendents have done? Why should she be any different?

  11. moinas blog just like this blog turned out to be nothing less than a daily attack on the sup, and the former director of elementary ed, and the other "pets". I would say its pretty pathetic if you ask me. all thep roblems in the school distrct and the city, and people choose to just discuss lives of each other. And not to mention those who do the most talking always have the least knowledge.
