Thursday, October 27, 2011

My opinion

Some interesting information has come my way that I wanted to share. First, I learned that the leadership of the Apples fully supports the Barbis candidacy. Perhaps that is already known by most of you..
Secondly, I learned that one of the District C candidates praised one middle school as the best in the district. He referred to a study done in 2000, eleven years ago. Things have changed considerably since then. This one middle school has been on AYP (not making annual yearly progress) the longest of all the middle schools. The demographics of this school are also quite different from the other schools. Perhaps the PR for this school is better than the others, but I don't think the statistics are there to deserve such high praise.
In District B, I sincerely believe that Jack fully supports teachers, while being fully against the union president. Remember that the other candidate was thought of as a puppet for the last superintendent. Given that information, I'm not in favor of a possible puppet.
So there you have it, the opinion of Educated Yesterday...


  1. Here's my counterpoint--
    You're right about the alleged RedApples- but who cares? Not a real grassroots kind of group- but more like the Archies (entertaining even after you know they're really all made up).
    I've seen lots of posts around the blog-world challenging them- and the typical response (like the one under "debates") insults people who disagree with the big Apple.
    I don't know about you, but an insulting small group of people who don't let the facts get in the way of their beliefs was something I vowed to never be associated with after I left the mean girls table in junior high.

  2. Educated Yesterday - what middle school are you referring to - Ponus Middle school? And what candidate are you talking about? Be specific in your opninions - besides no one knows who you really are.

  3. Here is the REdApple quote from the Debate thread: "I'm not clear on the 'beef' some folks in this site have with Red Apples - but it is unfair and stupid to make judgement on folks without the real stand or position of that individual"
    I don't think it's stupid to judge someone based on the company they keep.
    Haven't members of the REdApples blasted some BoE members for being too close to the unions- and others for not being close enough to Susan Marks? No wonder they support the "Double-Standard-for-Double-Offices" candidacy of one Mike Barbis

  4. 12.23 - I'm just trying to get an understanding why RedApples is known to be rotten Apples. What is it about them that makes them bad company. I just don't get it.

  5. 6:34 AM, the middle school to which I refer is Nathan Hale.

  6. Glad you asked about the rotten apples- here is a sampling:
    1. The big three of Wallerstein, Lisa Thompson and Sue Haynie
    2. The posts on their site are pretty hypocritical- they want "openness and transparency" but never hold the superintendent accountable.
    3. They are obsessed with the teacbhers' union
    4. They invented an issue about the surveys being released before any decision was made
    5. During the budget they blamed the budget committee for all of the superintendent's bad choices-- too bad it was Susan Marks' budget committee and not some independent group

  7. As someone who is home on a Friday night reading political blogs, I know I shouldn't be throwing stones at anyone.
    But I just think that the Apple gang are more 'haters' than anything else. They just seem motivated by their dislike of Rosa, Migdalia and Steve C.

  8. The Apples were overheard months ago saying 'we tried hard to get THEM off the Board.' They were speaking about the minority candidate. The Apples also supported the superintendent with everything they could during budge cuts, when Marks wanted to save the director of Elementary Ed instead of all the first grade aides.

  9. Wow, such vitriol from people I suspect I've never met and who haven't made an effort to speak with me personally. Happy to talk with anyone to correct misconceptions and share detail about my affiliations, beliefs, and opinions. Anonymous blogs and postings seem to do little to focus attention on the most important issues facing our community.

  10. Susan, I know you as a dedicated and intelligent woman. Could you share your view of the current superintendent? Specifically how you feel about how she continues to support the former Director of Elem. Ed. During budget cuts and even after? Don't even try to tell me that this person was essential to the running of central office. Everyone knows she was not. How do you feel about the low moral that permeates the schools and central office? What do you think about the fact that most teachers appear to have little confidence in this superintendent? Central Office appears to feel the same way. Please share your thoughts.

  11. Happy to speak offline as I'm not a fan of anonymous blogs/blogging.

  12. Why are you so hesitant in answering the questions? I would love to know where you stand on these issues and so would everyone else.

  13. Te fact that she won't answer says it all.

  14. Typical of the Red Apples! Steve C. isn't afraid to answer here!
