Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ready for Susan?

'NORWALK -- With exactly one month left before the schools budget is due, Superintendent Susan Marks is set to release her budget reconciliation plan on Friday.' -The Hour Are we ready? Here's a place for you to comment anonymously. Take advantage. We have Board of Ed members reading this blog.


  1. WHY, when it was the big dogs that screwed up, are the middle paying for their mismanagement? I stand to lose my job, my family's security and lifestyle because administrators were inept, shady or uncaring! Take back the golden parachutes/packages that were awarded to these people when they skipped out of Norwalk. It's DISGUSTING that I have to worry about unemployment when I did NOTHING to deserve it! The city/BOE is willing to cut my job and/or change my contractual language to ease this gross financial debacle. GO AFTER the admins that created this mess! They're sitting fat on their exit deals - certainly not worried about income, insurance or retirement - they got their fat packages when they finished raping the budget and skipped out of Norwalk. OPEN their exit language back up and retract their DEALS! WHY do I have to do the time - I DIDN'T COMMIT THE CRIME!

  2. Our students deserve better. Our employees deserve better.

  3. Anyone else notice how the Apples have backed off supporting the superintendent? Fair weather friends during bad times!
    To teachers and staff who will lose jobs, I am so very sorry. This leader is the one who should go. In my opinion, the CEO is the one who is responsible in the corporate world when there is a screw-up. That's the person who needs to go. I challenge the Apples to tell us differently! Let's see if they still support her.

    1. Unfortunately Susan only makes 200K+ and we have a 10 Million dollar gap. The only way to reconcile the numbers is to get rid of head count. Reality hurts.

    2. Wow you are a cold biatch.

  4. The Budget is posted on the Norwalk Public Schools site under the Board of Education -go to meetings- then go to June 5, 2012. Cuts are hitting the Vice Principals and many elementary teaching positions. Read it for yourself and be informed.

    1. Is it in Podcast format. I can't read. I'm a graduate of the Norwalk School system.

  5. Wow, Norwalk sounds like a really great place to buy a house and send my kids to their schools.
    HA! What a joke! What a disgusting display of ugly politics, personal agendas and GROSS mismanagement. The leaders in Norwalk know exactly what can be done to resolve this monster, yet they ALL continue to fan the flames of crisis to push their own agendas. The Mayor, the Union Presidents, the Board and sadly the Superintendent ALL have their own agendas; and this at the expense of the working class valiantly holding on to threads of hope that they will be able to pay their tax bills. Because that's who these middle class workers are, TAXPAYERS! Those are the people that hold the jobs on the chopping block, not the high paid upper class from out of town! Not ONE of those people is fretting over their next paycheck, or if they are on a cut list...but they are the ones offering up the livelihoods of the local Joe Public. It makes me want to vomit. Bring the parties responsible forward, PAST and present. Get rid of their fat, fat deals - health insurance, annuities, life insurance, pensions, stipends and have them all join in the same deals the local workers have had to accept. They don't get life time insurance. They don't get an annuity plan. They don't get exceptions to their pension salaries. They don't get gross stipends. THEY GET TO LOSE THEIR JOBS!!!!!!

  6. I am curious to see the method they use to decide who goes and who stays. I would imagine that it is Last In First Out.

    1. With all these cuts the nightmare is going to be when the people have to take jobs away from the less senior people. I have one comment how come the aides at Columbus Did not get their benefits cut???????? If they did it could have saved some of the intervention aides the utility aides and maybe some of the libriary aides. Answer that question if you can
      thank you

  7. The actual people who are cut is according to union contract. The least senior people go.
