Sunday, July 5, 2015

All of One Mind?

There appears to be a movement in Norwalk that people who speak up against the Chairman of the Board of Education should be chastised and censored.  What has happened to listening to both sides of the story? Are we really that apprehensive about pursuing additional information when offered? Many of the people who are leading the smear crusades don't work in the school system.  My opinion, here on this blog, is to allow information to be printed, even if it contradicts my beliefs. We can only learn the truth by listening to all sides of the conflict. We should not accept only people who are of one mind.

"Some people's idea (of free speech) is that they are free to say whatever they like, but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage." -Winston Churchill

In the meantime, congratulations on rising test scores, Norwalk. Despite the rumors that there are "terrible" people who are resisting change, test scores keep moving upward.

"Always keep an open mind and a compassionate heart"

Comments open for any topic................


  1. A big problem with Mike Lyons and the Red Apples is that they have a 'with us or against us' mentality. Anyone who questions them is labeled 'status quo' or part of the 'old Norwalk way.' You have to be all in with their message to be a 'reformer.' There should be open dialogue, and yes questions, from all stakeholders who else there won't be any true reformation in our school system.

  2. I agree. No one wants someone who thinks he knows everything.

  3. It is a running theme within the Nps district.

    I LOVE how lyons told marj that he wouldn't respond to her comments with unnamed sources then posted a comment using unnamed sources. He has NON post an opinion piece and gets pissed when people post their opinions that don't agree with him.

    Still dont understand his protecting ralph v,; it will bite him on the rear one day. Why does he hate the asst. Super so much????

  4. 5:43, you are so right! ML is a hypocrite. He and his Apples have ruined the reputations of many educators. The older educators can't all be bad. He and the Apples have also ruined the reputations of four minority women. Very sad! These are people who should not be allowed positions of power.

  5. It's time for transparency on Mike Lyon's and Sue Haynie's parts to prove that Title I funds were to be used correctly for the After the Bell program. The grants administrator should be involved as well. Should the SDE be called? Does Norwalk need the SDE to come down to see if state and federal funds are being used legally? it is beginning to make me wonder, given the Dalio Foundation money was pulled and the After School program was found to be illegal.
