Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A New Year has Begun

A new school year has begun. How is everyone doing? Is there anything you want to comment on in particular?


  1. I'm ready to be told by an assistant principal "well, at least you have a job"...REALLY?? Did the assisntant principals have their hours CUT to 271/2? Are they worried about their pension years? Did they get bullied into a stupid health insurance plan? Did they lose their vacation time? What a disgusting joke! I can't pay my bills, I can't deposit into my HSA, I can't pay into my pension BUT I'm lucky to have my job!! WHY COULD'T EVERYONE TAKE A CUT? Why is it AWLWAYS the middle????? Thanks, assistant principal, thanks for getting a nice fat paycheck, a beautiful insurance plan, a fat pension while I break my A@@ to pay for it. THANKS. The Board really appreciates my loyal years of service by slapping me in the face.

    1. In fairness if were never bullied. You maid choice and are living with them, or struggling it seems. Do you know that you could have lost your insurance completely, then how might you feel.
      Secondly we never offered to pay more when our insurance was way beyond what we deserved. Do you remember the day of 3 and 5 dollar co pays... come on nobody had that in the state for years but we did. Our union needs to remain strong and conitue to fight.

    2. I totally agree with you and can share your feelings! The group 6 secretaries took a big paycut. You're right... if EVERYONE gave up a little, all this anger and resentment would not be happening. The heavyweights don't have to worry because of their HUGE pensions. Why do they always take from the little guys! Was that much money really saved? I'd love to know. And yes, I really don't want to hear that we do have jobs and should be lucky (it doesn't help when trying to pay the bills)

    3. to anonymous3:42 With all due respect, you need to brush up on your spelling and grammar.

    4. Truthfully, I am tired of hearing secretaries and aides complaining about 'poor me.' Teachers have to get a Master's degree, be responsible for large classes, be evaluated by how their students are achieving, attend night meetings, earn CEUs, etc. etc. etc.
      Secretaries are cruising on the Internet, leave at exactly 4:00 (if not earlier), and are hardly responsible for anything else. I'm tired of the secretaries and aides badmouthing their bosses. And behaving badly in many respects. You don't deserve the salaries of the so-called heavyweights. Would you also complain that you deserve the same salary as your doctor or your lawyer? I'm sorry you don't have the money to pay your debts, but don't think you are equal to a professional. And don't think you deserve the same compensation. Teachers and administrators deserve their pay and more!.

    5. In response to 5:36 you are what our kindergaten students would call mean. Come work with the aides for a day and really see what we do. Who do you think the administrators call when a teacher is absent or at all their training or meetings yes we are called to cover and we get the job done. All we ask for is the respect we deserve no more or no less. So think where the teachers would be without all the support staff. hope you are not a teacher because I sure would not want my child in your class.

  2. 5:36 No one is trashing your degree or hard work...what is unfair is that YOU have not experienced a CUT in pay, hours or benefits. Making a generalization about secretaries cruising the internet can be said about teachers and administrators also. Where's your common sense?
    For someone with a degree, I would think that you would have been able to properly read the comment you responded for the moment, yes, I think I am wiser than you...not in schooling but in common sense.
    What I get from the original comment is that you and your peers may have experienced a CHANGE but not a CUT. Your salary remained the same, your pension is not affected, your hours have not been cut and you still have your insurance (mine is gone after this year because of the cut). Now please tell me how you and yours have felt this budget bash in the same way myself and my peers have.
    The point is - the middle guy, once again, is taking the hit for the top. Years of service and loyalty rewarded by demotion.
    Also, I was never given the choice to make a decision about ANYTHING. I was told changes were MANDATORY. Insurance changes, job roles, hours etc. So, no, I didn't make a choice that I have to live with. I was bullied. Administrators still carry the orignial health plan. Administrators did not lose hours. Administrators did not get cut. When you respond that YES this was unfair and there was no equality in the budget bashing, maybe then, we can have a conversation. Until then keep quiet. I don't want to hear from you how I'm lucky to have a job.

    1. It seems to me that the teachers did take their turn saving money for the budget cuts, maybe not this year, but in years past. Isn't this the first time secretaries and aides had their hours cut so deeply? I believe everyone has had their share of cuts over the years. Jobs in education are sought after because of benefits and pensions. The hours are good, if you have children of your own, and you get summers with your kids. Unfortunately the jobs are no longer stable for teachers, administrators or for secretaries and aides. If you want stability, you will have to go out into the real world of 9-5, with a two week vacation.....and good luck on the stability and benefits. Sorry, that's the nature of the beast these days.

  3. From what I recall from June, wasn't a big problem that there was no communication by the superintendent and the board with the workers? I remember being very worried that hours were being cut without any plan/.
    For those secretaries and aides who are discouraged, I hope it helps that all of you make a big difference for my kids. The city might not show their appreciation in your paychecks, but families appreciate all you do.

    1. to Amy Martin..... thank you so very much for your kind words. The NFEP group did take a pay freeze 3 years ago. And received a very minimal raise the following year. As far as degrees,it was also your choice to become a teacher! I was told years ago CEU's were offered in wine tasting and basket making. Great! Still, teachers do just fine with what they make working 180 (yes 180) days a year. Some are great teachers and earn every penny; but some ....!!!???

    2. Some of the statements here are beginning to sound like the political parties falsifying or exaggerating the facts! lol Clarification is needed on the CEUs. In the very beginning, presentations for CEUS were made for a variety of interests. The SDE clamped down hard years and years ago. The teacher requirements for CEUs are very strict and focused on specific areas of education. Basket weaving is not among them! Now teachers are required to take these workshops/courses in literacy, numeracy, etc. Norwalk has aligned themselves with these requirements and has presented some wonderful CEU offerings.

  4. this is not about what the teachers get is about fairness in taking budget cuts. Teachers deserve the pay they get, but why didn't anyone of them OR the administrators feel this budget cut? would any of them be okay with working 27 1/2 hours and no insurance? I think not, but we're all supposed to feel "lucky that you have a job". We HAD minimal hours to begin with, an insurance plan that we paid into and a pension plan that we paid into....FOR YEARS!!! Now that is all gone. Which of those administrators would take this quietly and "be happy" they have a job???? not one! It's gross that the backbreakers of the workforce have to give up dolars for the sake of higher paid staff. BTW savings from years past didn't cut it for the current budget crisis. EVERYONE gave years ago, but not EVERYONE reaped the benefits...

    1. The reality is there are not lot of aides that get benefits the majority of them work between 25 to 27 1/2 hours without benefit of pension or a break on their insurance. Sorry to the library aides that got cut but its their choice if they want to continue in their jobs with less hours and benefits. Kindergarten aides were cut from 27 1/2 hours to 25 hours when they hired all the assistant principals all those long years ago and they were never given the option of getting their hours back. Anyway lets see what Bruce M does now with all the large classes that are over contract.

    2. OMG All I've heard and read is "summer was not long enough, this last week was sooo tiring", and on and on. What would you folks do if you worked 12 months!!! The real professionals are on Wall Street or somewhere in Manhattan working 12 months 9 - 7!

    3. Educators kick themselves in the a** when they talk like this to parents. Do they really think that's what parents want to hear? Grow up, teachers!

  5. Bring this anger to the board. The BOE has the power and the city has the money to solve many of these slights. Come out and speak. Hold Jack accountable for his horrible job. Remember to vote to REMOVE Jack in Nov.
    He is a fool and selfish. He hunts down good people and attempts to destroy them. He is a jerk.

  6. What makes you think you can vote to remove Jack in November?
