Monday, August 27, 2012

Convocation Day

I heard very positive reports about Convocation. The tone was upbeat and the staff seemed very happy. These are difficult times, but it appears that everyone was eager to create a positive year for the students. Nice job, everyone! A small note, and probably meaningless to all, Sue Haynie did not appear. Anyone miss her?


  1. I was very sorry to have missed this year's Convocation- it is especially important to support our teachers and staff given that we will be asking them all to do much more this year with fewer resources.
    Unfortunately, I had both a parent meeting for the first day of school for my younger daughter at AITE in Stamford very early in the morning and then a contested hearing in Family Court in Stamford that same morning.
    The positive attitude of our teachers, administrators and staff was something that many people at Convocation relayed to me-- as a parent of a Norwalk public school student, I am honored that so many dedicated people have committed themselves to providing a quality and nurturing education to all of our children.

  2. The interim Superintendent was refreshingly real. Can we keep him?

    1. He's not a lost puppy.

    2. You'd have to promise to feed him and walk him every day . . .
      What makes the Interim "real" is that he's worked his way through the ranks. He knows what it is like for teachers and for building administrators. He hasn't lost his humanity despite climbing up. He also has a good sense of what the community needs and wants.

  3. As a teacher, I was happy with the positive tone of the Interim Superintendent and the Vice-Chairman. As for a chairman of the Board of Ed who doesn't respect us enough to show up, I just chalk it up to his immaturity. As for Haynie, why would she want to be surrounded by teachers-- she might learn something about the challenges and blessings of our career.

  4. if staff could speak what would they really say...
    seems like the same person is writing these
    if you were in the audience as a staffer and been here long enough like 15-20 years you wouldn't be saying these things, or maybe you would because of retaliation.
    it is sad that you have to write anonymous because that is the only way to express yourself.

  5. so we should reward poor performance?

    is the interim going to address administrators double dipping? why should we be paying administrators full salaries and benefits and allow them to collect a pension in CT when they already are collecting in NY?
    The district is already strapped. I am a taxpayer and employee and I find it so unreasonable that the interim and former supt., and the board approved that one.
    Why do reward someone who has not done a good job, put them in central office and have them do what?
    What a sad state of affairs.
    We are doing the same things again.
    Taxpayer dollars at work!

  6. The Board approved this move, made by Marks before she left. Blame the correct people. Blame the directors of Elementary Education who supposedly gave glowing reviews to this administrator. Those reviews left no alternative for the Board. They would have lost a huge lawsuit had they fired her. Get the facts!

  7. Anyone feel like a parent's perspective?
    I was nervous dropping my child off today. But everyone at Tracey was smiling and helpful. You'd never know about the bad cuts at the schools.
    I'd like to think (o.k., hope) that it was this way everywhere. Even if teachers and principals are nervous, they are putting on a brave face for parents and kids. That's worth a big Hu-Rah in my book.

    1. Glad to hear it! This doesn't surprise me. We have professionals in Norwalk!

  8. Dropped mine off at west rocks and everyone seemed in good spirits. Made it easy for me.

  9. The GE report said it right- Norwalk's greatest strengths are the teachers
