Monday, July 15, 2013

Hit the Ground Running

Let's look forward to a new superintendent! Manny Rivera said he would hit the ground running as soon as he started on July 18th. That's This week! Let's track his first 10 days, shall we? Please tell us if you are included in the first ten days of his leadership term. What does 'hit the ground running' look like to you? What do you expect from him during these days?


  1. A bit of a snag in the contract. Seems the illustrious Mike Lyons, attorney, didn't know the law. He offered more than the legally allowed dollar amount above salary base. An annuity of $30,000 is $8,000 above the legal limit. Thanks, Tony Daddona, for catching this.

  2. Day One: Rivera at Central Office- HelloooooooO...O.O...o...oh..oh!

  3. Would've been nice if he emailed his staff to say hello, to give us his vision for the new school year, or to simply say I'm looking forward to work with all of you towards the future success of our students.

  4. Anyone see him on day two?

  5. No one can be expected to be perfect- a full-on champagne brunch would have been nice way to meet the staff too.
    I've heard he personally introduced himself to all the staff and had meetings on the big problem issues. That seems like a good start.

  6. What staff did he meet with? All the staff, building and central office?

  7. Tuesday! No one has met with Dr. Rivera yet?

  8. He's not around. he went on an out of state conference. I am not sure, but I think he's gone for 3 days.

  9. He has not met with principals yet.

    1. Also no contact with teachers.

  10. Just maybe he's getting a feel on who he can trust and who will throw him under the bus. Let's support him!

    1. He is getting a feel for these people by attending a conference out of state? Huh? How does this make sense?

  11. Any chance we can move on to maybe talking about BOE candidates?
